Lo scolapasta
The first course that never bores
Here we draw and knead
We put on a pasta show
The showcase of home made pasta, the Ligurian strength: the couple that is behind the Scolapasta plays with the drawing machine and a strong regional identity. Sauces of the territory, seasons that lay down the raw materials.
Scolapasta is always full of welcoming firs courses.
There is also piatto baby (dish for the youngest), so Scolapasta is really for everybody.
For those who prefer pasta that reminds of home – or discover that of the place they are visiting.
Lunedì 10-15 / Da martedì a giovedì 10-23 /
Venerdì e sabato 10-24 / Domenica Chiuso
Type of cuisine
Artisanal pasta
Where you can find us
Our cuisine is suitable also for::
People who do not eat fish
Milk intolerant
Yeast intolerant
What you will fall in love with
If you do not know us, start tasting from here:
Pacchero superbo
Thed “al dente” pasta, that embrace and tightens Ligurian flavours
Tortello magro artigianale
Handmade, porous, that enhance the sauce
Trofie al pesto
Seasoned with potatoes and green beans, just like the traditional ones.
If you do not eat meat.
Trofie al pesto
Pansoti with walnuts sauce
If you do not eat animal derivantives.
The classical tomato pasta, naturally vegan
Gnocco with zucchini pesto, dried tomato and oregano
If you do not eat gluten
Genoese Soup, a classic
(keep in mind that we cannot exclude contamination)
Do you want to eat something else?
Continue the journey through the market’s Kitchens